Morawa Museum banner

Number Series 1 / Number Series 2 / Prefix 1 / Prefix 6 / Prefix 7
Prefix 66 / Prefix 70 / Prefix 347 / Suffix 21 / Suffix 55 / Suffix 56 / Suffix 68
Suffix 82 / Suffix 93 / Suffix 97 / Suffix 109 / Prefix A


NUMBER SERIES (1868 - 1873 ) Numbers 4501 - 10,000

4586 10,000 Applied for 18 / 2 / 1868 PHILLIPS, Samuel Pole B Class. To apply until the end of 1875. Was 1393. West boundary of 6117
4587 10,000 Applied for 18 / 2 / 1868 PHILLIPS, Samuel Pole B Class. To apply until the end of 1875. Was 1395. North boundary of 6117.
4588 Applied for 18 / 2 / 1868 PHILLIPS, Samuel Pole B Class. Was 1448. West boundary of 6117
4605 100 Was 1047
4668 9,920 Applied for 10 / 3 / 1868 MORRISSEY, P. B Class. To apply until the end of 1875. Was 1428. Became 9202.
4669 10,000 Applied for 10 / 3 / 1868 COOKE, N.W. B Class. To apply until the end of 1875. Was 1396.
4670 10,000 Applied for 10 / 3 / 1868 COOKE, N.W. B Class. To apply until the end of 1875. Was 1687.
4671 7,360 Applied for 10 / 3 / 1868 COOKE, N.W. B Class. To apply until the end of 1875. Was 1394.
4672 10,000 Applied for 10 / 3 / 1868 WHITFIELD, J. B Class. To apply until the end of 1875. Was 1444.
4673 10,000 Applied for 10 / 3 / 1868 WHITFIELD, J. B Class. To apply until the end of 1875. Was 1443. Adjacent to 5921.
4744 6,994 BURGES, Lockier Clare At source of Lockyer River.
4982 10,000 1868 West boundary of 4668.
4983 10,000 1868 Was 1427.
5233 Was A3528. Adjacent to A5643.5397
5397 Applied for 28 / 4 / 1869 COOKE, J. T. B Class.
5706 10,000 Applied for 31 / 7 / 1869 COOKE, J. T. East boundary of 6117.
5818 Adjacent to A5626.
5921 10,000 Applied for 26 / 2 / 1870. Backdated to 1 / 1 / 1870. COOKE, J. T. B Class lease. To apply until the end of 1877.
5976 4,000 Applied for 26 / 2 / 1870. Backdated to 1 / 1 / 1870. MORRISSEY, P. B Class lease. To apply until the end of 1877. Became A459.
6117 10,000 Applied for 23 / 3 / 1870. Backdated to 1 / 3 / 1870. WALDECK, William Frederick B Class. To apply until the end of 1877. Was 2251.
6135 Adjacent to 6209.
6155 5,200 Applied for 7 / 4 / 1870. B Class. To apply until the end of 1877. Was 2253.
6209 10,000 Applied for 15 / 6 / 1870. Backdated to 1 / 3 / 1870. WALDECK, William Frederick B Class. To apply until the end of 1877. Adjacent to 6135.
6311 On north boundary of 4668.
6515 On north boundary of 4668.
6731 5,200 Applied for 2 / 7 / 1871 WALDECK, W.F. B Class. To apply until the end of 1878. Was 6155.
6941 On north boundary of 4668.
7360 1867 COOKE, J. T.
8148 Became 6 / 675.
8168 Seems to be 66 / 1055.
8773 Adjacent to 9202.
8797 23,000 Expired 31 / 12 / 1886 Became 1 / 112
9181 10,000 17 / 3 / 1873 BROCKMAN, R. J. & C. Due to expire in 1886.
9184 20,000 13 / 3 / 1873 STOKES, J. & W.
9188 17 / 3 / 1873 BELL & Co To run until 1886.
9196 5,000 17 / 7 / 1873 MORRISSEY, J. Became 6 / 736
9202 10,000 Applied 3 / 1 / 1873. Received 4 / 1 / 1873. Approved 17 / 3 / 1873. MORRISSEY, Patrick (estate of) To run from 1 / 1 / 1873 to the end of 1886. Was 4668. Became 66 / 109.9203
9203 4,000 Received 4 / 1 / 1873. Approved 17 / 3 / 1873 MORRISSEY, Mary Anne. Widow of Patrick. (estate of Patrick MORRISSEY) Licence to run from 1 / 1 / 1873 to 31 / 12 / 1873. Became licence A138.
9205 10,000 17 / 3 / 1873 MORRISSEY, P. (estate of) Class 2. To run until 1886. Became 66 / 58. 9216
9216 1,000 WALDECK, William Frederick Contains Bithanooka Spring.
9229 LOGUE, M. Adjacent to A5233
9251 Adjacent to A3775
9252 Adjacent to A4577
9255 Adjacent to 9671
9264 CROWTHER, C. Became part of A3588
9265 Adjacent to A3775
9278 21 / 3 / 1873 EAKINS, EVES & BELL To run until 1886. Became 66 / 33.
9285 8,000 21 / 3 / 1873 CROWTHER, C. Became A2437.
9293 Became 6 / 676.
9299 10,000 22 / 3 / 1873 WALDECK, Frederick
9669 Appears to be old 66 /59
9671 20,000 17 / 4 / 1873 BROWN, Maitland To run until 1886. Became 66 / 83. (from 1 / 1 / 1887)
9678 23,000 7 / 5 / 1873 COOKE, T. To run until 1886. Became 66 / 62. (from 1 / 1 / 1887)
9779 10,000 23 / 6 / 1873 DAVIS, J. S. Licence