The Alert windmill made by The Speedy Windmill and Pump Co. Ltd was attributed to two patents by John Henry SAUNDERS. These were No.17,970 of 18th November 1915 and No. 5,485 of 15th October 1917. The Alert was made in windwheel sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, & 14 ft. with a choice of 20 ft. or 30 ft. towers. It was a geared, fully enclosed, oilbath mill that was self governing. The company also made an Alert Pumping Gear which was constructed on the same principles as the Alert windmill head.
Advertising in 1923 described it as
very well made with automatic lubrication and all gears enclosed. The windmill can be switched on and the owner can feel perfectly confident that it is going to do its work without bother or expense.
The Alert windmill on display at the Morawa Museum is quite worn, unsurprising as it could be up to 100 years old. At present it is awaiting the restoration of its wind-wheel but the tail vane is missing.
It was donated by Bruce HEWITSON of South Australia and restored by Helen and Patrick WALTER in 2015.